Crysis Wiki
Crysis-Gauss Rifle

Weapons in the original crysis which might make a return in warhead.

Nomad (Jake Dunn): is the main character that the player controls throughout the game. He plays as a Delta Force soldier with state of the art high-tech Nanosuit who operates in the Raptor Team, along with his teamates Prophet, Psycho, Jester and Aztec. The team is sent to a remote island of the Phillipines occupied by North Korean soldiers (KPA, Korean People's Army). He then fights and goes through most of the missions solo and realizes there is something on the island that would change the Earth. His real name is known as Jake Dunn. it is known that Jake is not to appear in crysis warhead, because you play as his sqaudmate, Sgt. Sykes (psycho) Also the mini-nuclear bomb gun is sure to make a return in warhead.
